Pummba I - Extra Support Sale

  • Regular price 110,00 €

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sofa capacity

La vuelta a la rutina que te mereces: -15% con el código HOLARUTINA hasta el 12/09

Add modularity to your Pummba I with an extra stand. The same piece will serve you for different uses:

  • As rear support for a module to complete it and expand your sofa.
    - As an extra arm. This narrow option occupies the minimum so that you can accommodate the greatest number of people in the smallest possible space.

  • delivery in 1 day
    delivery in 1 day
  • 100 day trial
    100 day trial
  • 5 year warranty
    5 year warranty

Customize your sofa

Pedir muestras gratuitas del tejido

Customize your sofa Pedir muestras gratuitas del tejido

Woven fabric:

Removable bouclé fabric:

Add modularity to your Pummba I with an extra stand. The same piece will serve you for different uses:

  • As rear support for a module to complete it and expand your sofa.
    - As an extra arm. This narrow option occupies the minimum so that you can accommodate the greatest number of people in the smallest possible space.

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  • delivery in 1 day
    delivery in 1 day
  • 100 day trial
    100 day trial
  • 5 year warranty
    5 year warranty